
办公室 学生的行为


的 学生行为办公室 is committed to an educational and developmental process that balances the interests of individual 学生 with the interests of the 365球赛平台郡学院 社区. 的 政策学生行为守则#5247 (PDF) is designed to address all student misconduct excluding gender-based misconduct. 基于性别的不端行为由教育法第九章涵盖,并由 政策#2410 (PDF)、性骚扰.


学生的行为 works collaboratively with other offices and departments to create a safe, 安全、文明的学习环境, growth and development can take place both inside and outside of the classroom. We provide an environment in which all college 社区 members are treated with respect and dignity through utilizing a variety of methods f或两个 individuals and groups.


  1. 制定,解释和执行校园政策
  2. To ensure compliance with Federal Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX laws and reporting requirements
  3. 促进和鼓励一个相互尊重的社区
  4. To administer a disciplinary process that maintains the integrity of the 学术 社区 and to uphold due process rights of 学生
  5. To provide learning experiences for all 学生 and especially those who participate in the conduct process


的 student conduct process is quite different from criminal and civil court proceedings. Student conduct procedures and rights are managed with fairness to all but do not include the same 保护ions of due process afforded by the courts. 正当程序, 在此代码中定义, 确保书面通知, 彻底而公正的调查, 并有权就裁定或制裁提出书面上诉, 或两个, 基于特定理由, 如本文档所述. 证据的优势性是本法的证据标准. No student will be found in violation of 365球赛平台郡学院 policy or the 学生行为准则 without information showing that it is more likely than not that a violation occurred, and sanctions will be proportionate to the severity of the violation and to the cumulative conduct history of the student.


When a concern regarding a potential violation of the Student Code of Conduct is reported to us through our web based forms, 校园安全报告, 或者警察报告, the process for investigating the concern follows the processes and procedures outlined in 365球赛平台县学院政策#5247

事件报告, 校园安全报告, 警方报告由学生行为办公室审查.  Involved individuals will be invited to discuss the incident with a 学生的行为 Investigator.

  • 学生从事或观察可能违反政策的行为
  • 举报方向操守科举报问题(http://3akz.kyzt365.com/student-services/report-a-concern/).
  • 学生行为办公室收到报告
  • 案件被分配给学生行为调查员进行调查
  • Notice of Investigation and Alleged Violation sent to all parties (reporting party and responding party). NOTE: Interim measures may be enacted while the investigation proceeds to support involved parties.
  • Conduct Administrator meetings will begin with 学生 to go over incident report. NOTE: If additional alleged violations are found during the investigation, an additional Notice of Alleged Violations will be sent to the responding and reporting parties.
  • Conduct Administrator determines whether the responding party is or is not responsible for the alleged violation(s) and forwards their report to the 学生服务总干事.


A Notice of Responsibility will be delivered to all parties of the finding(s) and sanction(s).


If there is insufficient evidence through the investigation to support reasonable cause, 这些指控将结束,不再采取进一步行动.


Student accepts the findings by not responding to the notification and allowing seven 业务 days to pass. 在这种情况下,实施制裁并结束该过程.


Student rejects the finding(s) and/or the sanction(s) by filing an appeal within seven 业务 days to the Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA).

  • 的 VPSA will review all appeal requests and determine if there is a reasonable cause as defined by the code that the grounds for an appeal have been met.
    • Denied basis for an appeal – the responding student will be notified within seven 业务 days. 这个决定是最终决定,整个过程就结束了.
    • Approved basis for an appeal – the responding student will be notified and the case/appeal will be reviewed by an Administrative Review Panel (ARP) within 10 业务 days of the approval.
    • ARP confidentially reviews all case documentation and decides if the appeal is approved or denied by a simple majority vote.
        • 上诉通过-专家组可撤销或修改制裁. In this case, the process ends and no further appeals may be filed by any party.
        • Appeal approved (procedural error) – A new investigation begins with a new Conduct Administrator as the lead. If the outcome of this investigation finds the responding party responsible, a trained Administrator from the ARP with no connection to the case will determine and issue the appropriate sanction(s).


Veronica Guevara-Lovgren
732-255-0400 ext. 2262

Dr. 塔拉Brugnoni
732-255-0400 ext. 2375

732-255-0400 ext. 2390

办公时间 -上午八时至下午五时
